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Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017


There is a common trend among about-to-wed singles. It is taking pre-wedding pictures. While there is nothing bad in this act of taking pre-wedding pictures; but we notice something wrong in some of the pictures many singles put on social media as pre-wedding pictures.

The physical intimacy of many of such pictures makes one to ask whether these are pre-wedding pictures or post wedding pictures. Let me address Christian guys& ladies. Those who don't know our God& the demand of chastity of a Christian courtship can do what they like but how can you Christian brothers & sisters be taking pre-wedding pictures & you carry the lady on your laps, you use your bumbum to push her own bumbum while backing yourselves. Is it also pre-wedding picture you are taking & you sleep beside each other at the beach& you use your hands to draw her so close into your body as if she wants to enter you?

You are kissing in your pre-wedding pictures passionately & erotically& you want us to believe you have not defiled your marriage bed with pre-marital sex? I saw one where the guy carried the lady on his neck. Hummmm! Another one I saw, the lady was lying down on the back of the guy. These are postures that are meant for couples in marriage, not for singles in courtship. Let all things be done decently& in order; says the Bible. ( I Corinthians 14:40).

 Don't take marriage pictures in courtship. I am not saying you should stand 20 miles apart when taking pre-wedding pictures because you want to show that you are holy, but you should avoid unnecessary body contact and erotic postures when doing so. I know some people will argue with this article, while it will help some people to make good decision when taking their pre-wedding pictures. Thanks for reading.  You can share to bless someone. Share, don't plagiarize!

© Ebenezer Diyaolu

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