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Submited as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of sarjana pendidikan degree at the English study programe of teacher training and education faculty of sembilanbelas november kolaka university

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NIM : A1A2 11100
Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris
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Kolaka,        November  2015


This thesis has been corrected and accepted by the first and second consultants to be submited to commitee of the thesis examiners.

       Kolaka,                         2015

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This thesis has been accepted by Examination Committee in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at the English Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sembilanbelas November University.
The thesis examination comitee:
Chairman : Zakaria, S.S, M.A (……………….)
Secretary : Zakaria, S.S, M.A (……………….)
Examiner : 1. Zakaria, S.S,M.A (……………….)
 2. Laode Muh. Idrus Hamid B, S.Pd.,M.Pd (……………….)
         3. Fernandes Arung, S.Pd.,M.Pd (……………….)

Kolaka, November 2015
Approved by
Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Of Sembilanbelas November University

Zakaria, S.S, M.A
NIDN. 0920096901


AGUS PURNA IRAWAN, 2015. Improving students’ reading ability through scanning technique at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi. Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sembilanbelas November University Kolaka. It is guided by Karimuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd as the first consultant and Netty Huzniaty Andaz, S.Pd., M.hum as the second consultant.

Keyword: Improving, Reading comprehension, scanning technique.
This research was designed to improve students’ in reading through scanning technique at the first year of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi. The research question of this study was “How does scanning technique improve students’ reading comprehension?”. The objective of the research was to describe the way to improve the students’ reading comprehension through scanning technique at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi. Design of this research was collaborative classroom action research which was preceded by setting up plans, implementation, observation, analyzing, and reflection. This study was conducted in two cycle.
The data of this research was obtained from the result of reading test and observation sheets. They were taken during the implementation of the action. The finding of this research show that scanning technique could improve the students’ reading comprehension. The improvement could be described on the average score of the students. In the first cycle based on students’ reading test 0% students have met criteria of success, in other words no one of 30 students in the classroom got score 75 or more. It means 100% of students have failed. It was supported by the average score of students activity based on observation sheets in first cycle was 4.80 in first meeting, improve 5.53 in second meeting, and become 6.46 in the third meeting. It means that they were still on enough category.
On cycle two based on the students’ reading test in second cycle 83.33% students got score 75 or more and 16.67% students got score less than 75. In other words, 25 students got score 75 or more and 5 students got score less than 75. It means, 83.33% students have met the criteria of success and 16.67% students have failed. It was supported by the average score of students activity based on observation sheets was 6.63 in first meeting improve 6.80 in second meeting and become 7.43 in the third meeting. It means that they were on good category.
Finally, it is recommended for the English teacher to apply this technique as one of the alternatives that could be used in teaching reading because this technique could improve the students’ reading comprehension.


Thanks to the almighty Allah SWT who has given me healthy and opportunity until the writer can arrange this thesis as a partial fulfilment to achieve Sarjana Degree at Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sembilanbelas November University Kolaka.
The writer would like to express my special thanks to Karimuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd as the first consultant and Netty Huzniaty Andas, S.Pd., M.Hum as the second consultant who spent their time in giving guidance and great attention to the researcher during the arrangement of this thesis.
The researcher also likes to express my special thanks to:
Dr. Azhari, S. STP, M.Si as the rector of Sembilanbelas November University of Kolaka.
Zakaria, S.S., M.A as the Dean of Teacher training and Education Faculty of Sembilanbelas November University of Kolaka.
Zakaria, S.S., M.A as the head of English Study Program.
Drs. H.Baharuddin, M.Pd as the head master of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi.
Kamaria, S.Pd as the English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi.
All the lecture of the English program and staff of University of Sembilanbelas November Kolaka for their helping in completing this research.
My father (Yaten) and my mother (Lapina) who never felt tired and boring in giving advisement, supporting, motivation, and praying for success of my study.
My friend Eka safitry for her supporting in finishing this research.
All my friends in English department in Ladongi for your motifation and helping in doing this research.
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from perfect, therefore the researcher would appreciate the readers if there are some suggestion and development criticism to make this thesis better. Finally, this thesis is presented to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sembilanbelas November Kolaka University with the hope that it will be useful.
May Allah SWT bless us. Amin.

Kolaka,                             2015

Background of the study 1
Problem of study 4
Objective of Study 4
The Significance of the Study 5
Scope of the Study 5
Defenition of Terms 6

2.1 Defenition of Reading 7
2.2 Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension 9
2.3 Scanning technique 10
2.4 Teaching reading trough scanning technique 11

Design of the study 12
Setting of study 14
Subject of study 14
Procedure of study 14
preliminary of study 15
Planning 15
Implementing 16
Observing and evaluation 17
3.4.5    Reflecting 17
Instrument 18
Technique of data collection 19
Data analysis 20

4.1 Data Description of the Preliminary Study 23  4.2 Data Description of Cycle One 24
4.3 Data Description of Cycle Two 25

5.1 Conclusion 28
3.2 Suggestion 29



This chapter will show background, the problem of the study, the objective of the study, the significance of the study, the scope of the study, and defenition of term.
Background of the study
There are four skills on language learning, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Every student must have them, if they do not have it they will have difficulty in following the language learning. Reading is one of important aspect on language learning. Reading is an activity of process of transferring or decoding from the written to oral form Harmer (in Sugiyono,2014). Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that reading is a complex process of thinking in assigning materials which involves most of the readers’ intellectual act, such us comprehension in order to get ideas or information extended by the text.
Reading is very important thing for everyone, especially for students. Because if we wants to get information about something, we should be reading. Reading become a basic thing for students, because if students get difficult in reading, they will have trouble in learning process. As a result, directly affect for their result in the classroom. They will get bad result for their test. There are some general problem in reading, especially in reading short story. Based on Brian (in Surianti, 2013) that one of the problem in reading short story  for student is they can’t understand the English reading text. So  they hava a troule to get information. Later on, the student at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi faced problem on reading comprehension as they could not do well to understand the reading text. The teacher had done to settle the problem by  asked the student to looked for the misunderstanding words in dictionary. But it is still unsatisfied result, means that the student school need another treatment to improve their ability on reading. Besides all those problems above also come into the young learner of the first year at SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi, as consequences  this school sill needs more attention on development, likely the serious need on teaching English technique, indeed technique of teaching reading.
Based on the problems above, the reseacher using scanning technique as a problem solve. Scanning is very important reading techniques.  In short, Scanning is the technique for quickly finding specific information in a text while ignoring its broader meaning, it searches for keywords or ideas in a written text Brown (in Surianti, 2013).  Scanning is techniques that can help readers quickly gain information from a book, magazine, newspaper or website without having to read every word. When used well, scanning can save readers time and allow them to study more efficiently.
The previous research have done by Surianty (2013), she concluting that scanning and skimming technique can improve students reading comprehension in short story. She get data in the first cycle the students score was 37,35 there no one students got score greater than or aqual 60. This score incresed 69,41 in the second cycle. There were 17 students of 16 students’ got score greater than or equal 60.
But in this research,  the  researcher only use scanning technique to improve students’ reading comprehension. After it, the researcher not only want to  know whether scanning technique can improve students’ reading comprehension  or not, but also the researcer want to know how many percent the technique can improve students’ reading comprehension after using scanning technique.
Based on the above statements, the researcher held a research to know “does scanning theory improve students’ reading comprehension?. Therefore, the researcher chooses the little dealing with the technique used in the subject above is Teaching Reading using scanning to the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi.
Problem of the study
The problem of this study is “How is the improvement students’ reading comprehension in each cycle?”.
Objective of the study
The objective of this study is to describe data about improvement of students’ reading comprehension through scanning technique at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi

The significace of the study
The result of the study is expected to be used theoretically and practically:
The result of this study was expected to be able to widen the skill of teachers in using scanning technique in order to improve student’s reading comprehension.
As a reference to other researchers who want to study scanning technique more intensively in teaching reading.
The significances of this study were as follows:
For students, the use of scanning technique in reading can make the students are more enjoyable in doing their tasks associated with the reading materials.
For  teacher, it was expected to be useful information to the English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi in teaching reading.
For school, it was expected that this study will improve students achievement at SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi to be better.
Scope of the study
To focus his study in this study, the researcher limit his discussion in short story (narrative text) in improving students’ reading comprehension through scanning technique at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi.
1.6 Defenition of Terms
Reading is a process of getting information from reading text Indrayanti (in Surianti, 2013).
Short story (narrative text) is a story that tells about events happened last time, fiction or non fiction either dirrectly or indirectly Jeniffer Serravallo (in Kamaria, 2011).
Scanning is type of speed-reading technique which is used when the reader wants to located a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage and the reader can study the text in more the detail Richard and friends (in Surianti, 2013). CHAPTER II

This chapter contains the importance of learning to read, why learning to read is so difficult, the reason of some learn to read easly, other do not, and the nature of short story.
2.1 Defenition of reading
Teachers can facilitate the growth of word knowledge through the explicit teaching of word patterns and word-solving strategies within the context of a word-rich classroom. The goal of instruction in reading, spelling, and vocabulary is to help students develop “word consciousness” and to become independent word-solvers in all subject areas.
Cooper (in Irwan,2010) stated that Comprehension is a process in which the reader may construct meaning by interacting with the text. In reading comprehension, a reader should have knowledge about understanding the reading passage. The common questions on the passages are primarily about the main ideas, details, and an inference that can be drawn from the passages.
According to Singer (in Wolfe, Pattricia and Pamela Nevils.2004: online) reading comprehension has been defined as an interpretation of written symbols, the apprehending of meaning, the assimilation of ideas presented by the written, and the process of thinking while deciphering symbols.
 Further, reading comprehension is related closely to the cognitive competence of the readers, because this will produce comprehension.
Based on the statement above, Reading comprehension is influenced significantly by a student’s level of word knowledge, which includes vocabulary and spelling skills, as well as the ability to decode words in print
2.2 Factors affecting reading comprehension
According to Winarti (2010) the factors affecting of reading comprehension as follows:
1. Background Knowledge
Background knowledge plays an essential role in reading comprehension. In an effort to comprehend a text, students rely on their background knowledge to link what they already know to the text they are reading. Background knowledge includes both a reader’s real-world experiences and literary knowledge. Drawing parallels between background knowledge and texts helps students become active readers, improving their reading comprehension.
2. Vocabulary
Whether or not students have mastered vocabulary skills affects their reading comprehension. Students must be able to comprehend a familiar word and its relationship with other words within a text. Mastering vocabulary includes recognizing a word’s part of speech, definition, useful context clues, and how it functions in a sentence. These vocabulary strategies can help improve comprehension.
3. Fluency
Reading with fluency allows students to retain information with accuracy, expression and increased speed. The ability to read fluently develops through reading practice. As students become fluent readers, they will spend less time trying to decipher the meaning of words and more time considering the overall meaning of the sentences. Over time, fluent readers will develop the ability to insightfully respond to a text.
4. Active Reading
Beginning readers often rely on skilled readers to guide them through a text. However, as readers develop, they will be able to monitor their own reading comprehension. Students can actively guide their own reading by targeting comprehension problems as they occur. Students can troubleshoot comprehension problems by recalling what they read, asking themselves questions or evaluating the text.

5. Critical Thinking
Students can actively respond to a text more efficiently when they possess critical thinking skills. As students read, they can determine the main idea and supporting details, the sequence of events and the overall structure of the text. Students will also be able to identify literary devices and their effect on the text. Having critical thinking skills help to deepen a student’s comprehension of a text, resulting in a positive reading experience.
2.3 Scanning Technique
Richard and friends (1991:online) states that scanning is type of speed-reading technique which is used when the reader wants to located a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage and the reader can study the text in more the detail. According to Spencer as cited in Webster revised unabridged dictionary (1998: Online) states that scanning is the type of reading when reader wants to mount by steps to go through step by steps.
In scanning, the reader wants to examine closely using a regular plan or fixed without making a search for something looking at quickly without careful reading is often looking for a particular thing. We can find that scanning is the type of reading when reader wants to exam closely to look over quickly and systematically of left through hastily.

The Advantages of Scanning:
There are some advantages of scanning building on Grellet (1981) in Surianti (2011), there are as follow:
a. Scanning help the students only try to locate specific information.
b. Scanning help the students to follow the linearity of the passage.
c. Scanning help the students to used the time efficiently.
Based on the statement above, reading using scanning can help the students to get information from the book and the students can used the time efficiently.
2.4 Teaching reading through scanning technique
Richard and friends (1991:online) states that scanning is type of speed-reading technique which is used when the reader wants to located a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage and the reader can study the text in more the detail.
In scanning, the reader wants to examine closely using a regular plan or fixed without making a search for something looking at quickly without careful reading is often looking for a particular thing (Quirk and friend 1998: Online) from “the American Heritages Dictionary” of the English language (2000: Online). We can find that scanning is the type of reading when reader wants to exam closely to look over quickly and systematically of left through hastily.
Application of scanning technique in this research are:
Students determine the informations that they will find out.
Students determine the key words that they will find out.
Students reading and understanding about  topik of a text.
Students reading the important  informations of the text.
Students  give conclussion of the text that they have read.

2.5 Conseptual Framework
This chapter, the writer will discuss the methodology employed in this study, which consist of writer design, setting and subject of the study, procedure of the study. In procedure of the study discusses the step of the real action study namely the preliminary study, planning of the action, the implementiing of the action, reflecting, and analysis.
3.1 Design of the study
The design of the study is collaborative Classroon Action Research (CAR). This design is selected because the study intends to improve the students’ comprehension in reading.
As classroom action research, this study will follow the design of the classroom action research that involves the stage of identifying the problems, planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In this sense, after the problems and the characteristic were identified, the process of solving the problems, which follow those steps, were then carried out. In the planning, preparation, are made concerning the procedure of carrying out the practice (lesson plan) which includes the material, the media, the schedule of practice, and the observation. In general, the following diagram is employed.

C1 & C2

(Adapted from Hopkins, 1985).

3.2 Setting of study
This study will conduct at the first year of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi who registered in academic year of 2015/2016. The writer choosed the first year of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi because the writer found that the student is very poor on English especially in reading.
3.3 Subject of study
The subject of the study is the first year of SMA N 1 Ladongi, specially on X.4 class. There are 30 students on the classrom, consist of 12 male and 18 female students. The researcher choose this class because in this class have a problem in reading, students have difficulty to get information about reading text.
3.4 Procedure of the study
The number meetings planned to be conducted in the first cycle is each 4 meetings. These amounts of meetings are choosen, because it is considered enough to make discussion and practice on the concerneed approach and pattern of organization in writing. In this sense, the students’ ability in reading comprehension by reading a short story can be improving to the already set criteria. However, if this expectation cannot be fulfilled and shown through the reflection another role was then being designed.
The following was the general guidelines of the process (steps) that would be implemented in the first cycle.

3.4.1 Preliminary of study
Preliminary of study is conducted to know the real condition of the students in the classroom and teachers’ problems in teaching and lerning process. In this case, the researcher had interviewed the real English teacher about the application of scanning technique, the students’ comprehension in reading short story (narrative text), observe the class and the real English teacher stated that the technique is not applied and the students’ comprehension in reading is still low, and observe about minimum completeness criteria at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi.
3.4.2 Planning
This part is discuss some important points such as:
Setting up the lesson plan
In accordance with the purpose of the study, the general instructional objective of the lesson plan was to enable the students read and answer the question based on the short stories given.
Preparing  the criteria for success
There are some criteria use in this research to measures the success of the process. First, the students’ are actively involved during the teaching and learning process. Second, the students become more understand to reading comprehension short story. At last, for the product 80% students get score obtained 75 or more.

Preparing media
Before implementing learning activity the researcher prepare the media and facilities are needed  to help students in studying of reading comprehension in the classroom. The media and facilities are text book, and dictionaries.
3.4.3 Implementing
The implementing is actually the manifestation of what has been design in the lesson plan. The first cycle will do in 4 meetings. Every meeting will conduct about 90 minutes.
In conducting the action, the researcher followed procedures of the implementation of teaching reading, namely pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity.
The teacher greet students.
The teacher check attendance.
Make students on groups.
Introduction the students about reading narrative text through scanning technique.
Asked students to get information on the narrative text using scanning technique.
Help students on group.
Asked students to report their task.
Gave conclusion.
Gave homework.
Closed the meeting.

3.4.4 Observing and evaluation
Observing is the process of recording and collecting the data about any aspects or events that is happening in teaching and learning process. After observing the researcer do evaluation to determine the steps that must be done to get problem solving of students problem in reading.
The researcher do reflecting based on the implementing of reading comprehension the short story, reflecting is important to evaluate the effect of action that has been carry out, it is intent to see whether the effect of the action success or not. There are two criteria that become consulted process during implement the action and product during the teaching and learning process.
The researcher formulate the criteria of succes as follows:
Students was actively in teaching and learning process.
Students had self confidance to give respond obout materials without teacher direction.
Students collaborated with others in solving problems.
80% of the students obtained score 75 or more.
Based on the criteria of succes, the process and product decide whether the cycle is continued or not to the next  cycle of the action. In this case whether the procces success or not is based on the result of the data analysis that is obtained from the observation sheet.

The researcher prepare the instrument such as observation sheet. The function of each instrument, the researcher is comlpetlely describe about instrument as follows:
Reading test
Reading text assigment was used by  the researcher to measure students’ reading comprehension was improved or not in the end of the cycles. The kind of reading test was in multiply choice/objective test, it consisted 20 items. The instrument reading test was taken on Get Along English for Vocational School Grade X by PT. Erlangga.
Observation sheet
There were two tipes of observation sheet that will use by the researcher, they are as follow:
The observation sheet for students which used to observer thestudents’ during the taching and learning process.
The observation sheet for teacher activities which used to evaluate the instructional activities done by the teacher during the implementation of the action.
Technique of Data Collection
Reading test
Reading test used to know whether the technique that used in teaching and learning process success or not. Researcher gave students’ reading test in each fourth meeting or in the end of each cycles. The test consisted 20 items in multiply choice. To determine students score, researcher analyzed the reading test by using reading scoring rubric. The result of reading test showed whether students had met criteria of success or not.
Observation sheets
There were two observation sheets, they were students’ observation sheet and teacher’s observation sheet. These observation sheets was used to know whether the technique success or not. Observation sheets was done in every meeting in each cycles. Data has been collected from the observation sheets analyzed by researcher based on total obtained score become an average score. The average score shown the category of the improvement. The category support the result of reading test whether the technique on each cycles success or not.

3.7  Data analysis
During the observation process in each cycle the researcher collect the data. After collected the data, the writer analyzed the data. The result of collected the data taken from reading test and the observation sheets.
Reading test
To analyzed data from the reading test researcher used formula as follow:
Obtained score
Value =    x 100
Maximum score

To analyzed the data of students’ reading can be perfome as follows:
Score 90 - 100 is very high
Score 70 - 89 is high
Score 50 – 69 is enough
Score 0 – 49 is low

    (Adopted from depdikbud, 2005)

In analyzed the result of the students’ reading test, researcher use scoring rubric as shown below:



2.  Observation Sheets
Teacher’s observation sheet
From the teacher’s average score on the teacher’s observation sheet described with the teacher category scale as follow:

Average score

Very good




Very poor

 Students’ observation sheet
From the students’ average score on the students’ observation sheet described with the students’ category scale as follow:
Average score

10 – 12
7 – 9
4 – 6
1 – 3
Very good

This chapter discussed about the data presentation of the preliminary study, data presentation of cycle one, and data presentation of cycle two.

4.1 Data Description of the Preliminary study
Before conducting the study, researcher met an English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi. In the meeting, researcher interviewed an English teacher about the students’ problem in teaching and learning English, the researcher found that students get difficult in doing test based on long texts. Beside it, the researcher interviewed English teacher about the using of scanning technique in teaching and learning process, the researcher found that the English teacher never used it in teaching and learning process specially in teaching reading. After it the researcher interviewed about minimum of success criteria (KKM), the English teacher said that 75 is the minimum of success criteria. So, the researcher stated that the students’ reading comprehension was not good and scanning technique was also rare used in the teaching of reading.

 4.2 Data Description of Cycle I
This part presented the data of analyzing and reflecting of the action.
One of the basis of obtained data from observation sheets, the researcher with collaborative teacher made analysis data were done to see whether the implementation of scanning technique in teaching reading success or not.
Based on reading test, that was conducting on fourth meeting in first cycle showed that, 0% students got good result. It means that no one of 30 students on the classroom got result 75 or more. The highest score on the class was 65, and the lowest score was 45. 10 students got score 45 and 2 students got score 65.
It was supported by the students’ observation sheets on the first cycle researcher got improvement, from the first meeting the students got average 4,80 become 5,53 in the second meeting and become 6,46 in the third meeting. In this case, based on the scale of assessment categories in the first meeting, second meeting, and third meeting they are on enough categories.
After analyzing the data, the researcher and the collaborative teacher did a reflection toward the implementation of the technique in teaching of reading. It was important to do to evaluate the effect of the implementation of the technique that had been carried out in the teaching of reading by using scanning technique at the first cycle. In other words, it was tended to see whether the effects of the implementation of the technique met the criteria of success or not.
Based on the result analysis of the researcher by using reading scoring rubric in first cycle that no one of 30 students got result 75 or more, in other words 0% students met criteria of success. It means that the students’ reading comprehension had not met the criteria of success. There was some weakness, such as mistake of answering the questions. So, researcher decided to continue to the cycle two. The score of students’ reading ability of the cycle one could be seen in appendix.

4.3 Data Description of Cycle II
This part presented the data of planning, implementing, observing, analyzing, and reflecting of the action.
One of the basis of obtained data from observation sheets, the researcher with collaborative teacher made analysis data were done to see whether the implementation of scanning technique in teaching reading success or not.
Based on reading test, that was conducting on fourth meeting in the second cycle showed that, 83,33% students got good result and 16,67% students failed. It means that 25 of 30 students on the classroom got result 75 or more and 5 students got score less than 75. The highest score on the class was 80, and the lowest score was 65. 11 students got score 80 and 2 students got score 65.
It was supported by students’ observation sheets on the second cycle researcher got improvement, from the first meeting the students got average 6,63 become 6,80 in the second meeting and become 7,43 in the third meeting. In this case, based on the scale of assessment categories in the first meeting students on enough categories, second meeting students on enough categories, and third meeting they are on good categories.
After analyzing the data, the researcher and the collaborative teacher did a reflection toward the implementation of the technique in teaching of reading. It was important to do to evaluate the implementation of the implementation of the technique that had been carried out in the teaching of reading by using scanning technique at the first cycle. In other words, it was tended to see whether the implementation of the technique met the criteria of success or not.
Based on the result analysis of the researcher by using reading scoring rubric in second cycle that 25 of 30 students got result 75 or more, in other words 83,33% students met criteria of success. It means that the students’ reading comprehension had met the criteria of success. It was supported by the average score of students activity based on observation sheets was 6.63 in first meeting improve 6.80 in second meeting and become 7.43 in the third meeting. It means that they were on good category.
So, researcher decided to stop the second cycle. The score of students reading comprehension could be seen on appendix.
Based on the two evaluation either students’ or teacher’s activities could be stated that it was satisfied, so the researcher and the collaborative teacher decided to stop the second cycles. In more clear, about the result of teacher’s activities could be seen in following chart.



                                   Cycle 1                              Cycle 2

The improvement of students’ reading comprehension in each cycle CHAPTER V

This chapter discussed about conclusion and suggestion of the research.
5.1 Conclusion
In relation to the research findings and discussion in the previous chapter, the conclusion of this research was the used of scanning technique could improve the students’ reading comprehension. It could be seen on score of reading test and students’ and teacher’s activity result of each cycle. In the first cycle based on students’ reading test 0% students have met criteria of success, in other words no one of 30 students in the classroom got score 75 or more. It was supported by the average score of students activity based on observation sheets in first cycle was 4.80 in first meeting, improve 5.53 in second meeting, and become 6.46 in the third meeting. It means they were still on enough category.
On cycle two based on the students’ reading test in second cycle 80.33% students got score 75 or more and 16.67% students got score less than 75. In other words, 83.33% students have met the criteria of success and 16.67% students have failed. It was supported by the average score of students activity based on observation sheets was 6.63 in first meeting improve 6.80 in second meeting and become 7.43 in the third meeting. It means that they were on good category.

 5.2 Suggestion
In relation to the English subject discussed in this research and in order to improve the students’ reading comprehension at SMAN 1 Ladongi, firstly the researcher suggested the teacher of English should be creative to manage the materials and technique for teaching English to the students by scanning technique in reading.
Secondly, it is suggested that the English teacher could apply scanning technique as one of the alternative technique that can be used in teaching English to all skills especially teaching reading.
Thirdly, the most important thing that English teacher should be able to create media including reading comprehension through scanning technique which is relevant with the teaching material, so that the goal of the teaching and learning process can be achieved.


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